Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Remembering the RMS QUEEN MARY

A very interesting piece of nostalgia depicting RMS QUEEN MARY final voyage for Cunard Line, in September 1967. A great picture of an old world. So far this QUEEN has survived at Long Beach, California as an hotel and museum. 
I was lucky to have seem the QUEEN MARY in Lisbon several times in the 1960s, including her final call in that same September 1967, on her final voyage, a positioning cruise to California by the way of South America as she was too large for the Panama Canal. And I did a postcard of her in my LMC postcards of ships series. QUEEN MARY is still afloat albeith in a static role, the same happened to her replacement, the QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 of 1969, now in Dubai since November 2008. However, QUEEN MARY's great voice is still in steam aboard the new QUEEN MARY 2. One of her whistles is original from the old QM, the other is fabricated in the same swedish yard and is exactly the same.
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. Favor não piratear. Respeite o meu trabalho, se descarregar imagens para uso pessoal sugere-se que contribua para a manutenção deste espaço fazendo um donativo via Paypal, sugerindo-se €1,00 por imagem retirada. Utilização comercial ou para fins lucrativos não permitida (ver coluna ao lado) / No piracy, please. If photos are downloaded for personal use we suggest that a small contribution via Paypal (€1,00 per image or more). Photos downloaded for commercial or other profit making uses are not allowed. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia RMS QUEEN MARY final crossing

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