Monday, February 11, 2008

SKY WONDER at Santos, Brazil

Pullmantur has two cruise ships based at Santos, Brazil this winter and both have Portuguese captains. Those SKY WONDER photographs were sent by Captain Augusto Moita now onboard the SKY WONDER. They were taken from the top of one of the buildings at the entrance to the port, and looking at the style of the photos, probably by Sr. Smera, a very good Brazilian shipping photographer.
The SKY WONDER was the final passenger ship built with steam turbines. Constructed in France, at La Seyne, and delivered in 1984 to Sitmar Cruises as the FAIRSKY, this 46,087 GT, 1,776 Pax ship was later operated by Princess Cruises between 1988 and 2000 under the name SKY PRINCESS. In 2000 she got her third name when transferred to P&O Cruies (Australia) as the PACIFIC SKY. In 2006 she was purchased by the Spanish company Pullmantur and renamed SKY WONDER. Since then she has operated in the Mediterranean with winters in Brazil.
This winter season ends on 24 February and the SKY WONDER leaves for Barcelona on that date for a tandem crossing with fleetmate ZENITH, this last one sailing under the command of Captain Amadeu Albuquerque.

Texto /copyright L.M.Correia. Photographs kindly sent by Captain Moita. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia


  1. Como aluno de Pilotagem da Escola Náutica, tenho alguns colegas que estão a acabar este ano o 1º ciclo e que a partir de Julho serão praticantes e gostava de saber se existe possibilidade de embarcarem na Pullmantur como praticantes.
    Se o Cte. Moita ou o Cte. Albuquerque me pudessem esclarecer...agradecia que me contactassem através do seguinte mail:

    PS-LMC desculpe utilizar o seu blog para este apelo...

    Saudações Náuticas,

    João Morais

  2. Caro LMC

    AS minhas desculpas para aproveitar o blog para isto, mas já agora respondo no local onde estava a dúvida. Temos trabalhado para ter mais oficiais portugueses por aqui e esperamos que isso seja realidade...
    Um abraço.

    João Morais

    Contacte o seu professor, Comandante Carlos Soares. Ele tem os contactos.
