Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Outbound timeless beauty

SAGA ROSE farewell departure from Lisbon was a very special moment for any person interested in ships or simply someone with a keen interest on beautiful creatures.
SAGA ROSE sailed full of life and lights as an outbound timeless beauty. A very different ship from the brand new Norwegian flagship I used to see in the late nineteen sixties when operating long exclusive cruises from New York.
Forty years later she has reached the end of her cruising life after a long and happy career under three names but still shows the same allure from the more famous liners from the sixties. Let's hope her afterlife post-Saga Cruises will still preserve her dignity...
There are here two more photos taken on 27 October 2009 in Lisbon. I spent the day on the ship and took 1254 photos including her interiors, decks, the funnel and many other aspects of the timeless SAGA of 1965.
SAGA ROSE photos previously posted can be reviewed here...
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia


  1. Epá, Parabéns estas fotos estão magníficas!

    E eu andei a fintar as vedações do porto de Lisboa para fotografá-lo e o melhor que consegui está exposto no sítio do costume...
    Isso é que é uma despedida em grande, o último dia com o navio!
    Obrigado pela postagem de mais estas fotos.

  2. Estava eu ao fim da tarde de terça feira à beira Tejo e vejo descer o rio este belo navio. Comigo estava o meu amigo Com. Jara de Carvalho e comentámos a beleza dos navios de outros tempos. Ignorando qual o nome daquela obra de arte, até nos parecia o "Príncipe Perfeito" da antiga Nacional!
    Obrigado pelo esclarecimento e pelas belas fotos que registaram e perpetuarão um momento lindo.
    João Guimarães Marques
