Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Spanish Navy transport CONTRAMESTRE CASADO photographed in Las Palmas de Grã Canaria on 2nd November 2012.
One of the more interesting ships in the Spanish Navy, the CONTRAMESTRE CASADO  is a living museum ship of some sort as she is a former Swedish reefer, the LEEWARD ISLANDS of 1953, built by Eriksberg in Gothenburg. She was sold in 1964 to Fred. Olsen as the BAJAMAR. Renamed BONZO in 1968, FORTUNA REEFER in 1975 and THANASSIS K in 1982. Under this name she was seized by the Spanish Navy in ilegal activities in the Galician rias and taken to Vigo. Later that year she was taken over by the Spanish Navy and has been a naval transport since 1983. While in Las Palmas, the CONTRAMESTRE CASADO loaded several sailing yachts on her deck.

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