Wednesday, November 21, 2012

SAGA RUBY refit at Bremerhaven

The cruise ship SAGA RUBY arrived in Bremerhaven on 15 November from Leixões (Oporto, Portugal), where her cruise was shortened for technical reasons and the passengers disembarked. SAGA RUBY is now at the Kaiser Dock under the attention of Lloyd Werft undergoing extensive class and maintenance work and repairs in order to keep her in tip top conditon for another 13 months of contiuous cruising under the classic livery of SAGA CRUISES before she is taken out of service on January 7 2014. Repairs include the renewal of pipe work, the maintenance of pump, valves and fire-fighting equipment, steel repairs and the repair of cracks to superstructure supports and windows. Other scheduled work includes the cleaning of 16 tanks, the exchange of a generator and the cleaning and conservation of the hull of the ship. On December 4, SAGA RUBY returns to cruise service once more. 
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