Thursday, February 07, 2013


The five ships comprising the fleet of Classic International Cruises may resume trading once the present arrests are cleared and a new Portuguese company is set up to operate them.
With FUNCHAL undergoing a modernisation and SOLAS 2010 upgrade in Lisbon since September 2010, the remaining four CIC ships continued operating until last September when they were arrested at several port in Europe: ATHENA and PRINCES DANAE were retained in Marseilles, the ARION found a similar fate in Kotor while PRINCESS DAPHNE was retained in Greece in October. CIC office in Lisbon was closed in November but the Potamianos brothers, Alex and Emilios have retained the Piraeus office so far. An agreement between George Potamianos' sons, who succeeded to their father and company founder after his passing away on 29 May 2012 in Lisbon, and the major creditor, the Portuguese bank Montepio Geral gave PRINCESS DAPHNE back to the Potamianos while ARION, ATHENA, FUNCHAL and PRINCESS DANAE have just been sold by the bank to 44-year old Portuguese entrepreneur Rui Alegre, who intends to return the ships back to cruise service. It is believed that a new company will be set up to operate the ex-CIC ships. More about the CIC and its ships here...
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