Friday, June 05, 2015

Sailing on Brittany Ferries BRETAGNE

I have just returned home after my first experience sailing on a Brittany Ferries cruise ferry, the BRETAGNE, from Portsmouth for St. Malo and it was a most enjoyable experience and I only wish it could have been a longer one.
First of all sailing on a French flagged passenger ship with a full French crew and none of the inconveniences provided by today's convenience flags was a great and positive surprise. The BRETAGNE embodies the very best of the French Paquebot tradition, and in fact she really is a very nice Paquebot Ferry, one of a large fleet sailing under the Brittany Ferries colours.
The BRETAGNE is a modern, beautiful, well operated, French built, owned and flagged passenger ship. Her name was used by several French Line liners, and was rumored to be the name intended for the NORMANDIE of 1935 fleet mate that was never built. There was also a nice post-war BRETAGNE built for Société General de Transports Maritimes' Marseilles - South America service, a sister ship to PROVENCE, which later became Costa Line ENRICO C, so this present BRETAGNE is a very special ship by continuing the great traditions of the past and just because it is a pleasure to sail on such a well run ship.
The BRETAGNE alongside the St. Malo car ferry terinal on 29 May 2015, showing her classic lines to her best. Phtographs by Luís Miguel Correia. See the official BRITTANY FERRIES site at
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