Thursday, July 05, 2007


The American 70 ft. schooner ANNE, seen in the photo sailing out of New York, is doing a fantastic voyage crewed by Reid Stowe and Soanya Ahmad.
They have sailed from New York this past April for a 1000 day non stop sea voyage - see map. There is a very interesting blog updated every day: have a look at 1000 DAYS AT SEA here.

What a great challenge to sail away from everyday's life and go to sea...
No ports or the usual sea lanes, just a small ship and the eternal blue.
Check their blog and site and do not forget to send a message wishing them smooth seas and happy sailing.

Text by L. M. Correia. Images copyright 1000 DAYS AT SEA. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Thanks for your visit and comments. You are most welcome at any time - Luís Miguel Correia


Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

This has just inspired me to write the following, which I dedicate to this lucky couple:

«1000 days at sea,
1000 seas to cross
1000 ships to sail
1000 miles to be free.

1000 years of peace,
1000 lights for Christmas
1000 pounds of happiness
for 1000 million children.

1000 angels are singing in
1000 choirs of gospels
1000 lovers are sighing with
1000 hearts filled with Love.»

Luis Daniel Vale said...

Não vai ser fácil aquela circum-navegação pelos mares do Sul... esperemos que corra bem!