Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Paquetes em Lisboa AGOSTO 1969

Lisbon Passenger Shipping 40 years ago. Click on the list above to see the names of the 40 ships that made 61 calls including 17 on cruises. ORIANA of 1960 was then the largest ship.
Há 40 anos, o porto de Lisboa apresentava um panorama muito diferente do actual em matéria de escalas de navios de passageiros, como se pode depreender da observação da lista do movimento de navios então publicada pela AGPL, que se apresenta na imagem. Para ler ampliar fazendo "clik" sobre a mesma.
Dos 40 navios diferentes que nesse mês efectuaram 61 escalas no Tejo, 14 eram portugueses, incluindo o FUNCHAL, único sobrevivente deste conjunto de navios a fazer escala em Lisboa 40 anos depois. Os navios utilizados em cruzeiros representavam apenas 17 escalas, o maior navio era o ORIANA da P&O, com 41.000 TAB, destacando-se especialmente os paquetes ingleses e italianos.
O navio que então me despertou maior curiosidade foi o CARINA, da Chandris Cruises, que esteve atracado a Alcântara e era uma raridade entre nós.
De todos os agentes de navegação então activos, apenas continuam a agenciar navios de passageiros as firmas Garland, James Rawes, Orey Antunes, Pinto Basto e Cotandre. Os armadores portugueses tradicionais desapareceram todos com a desmaritimização de Portugal.

Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia


Pedro said...

Boa tarde

....e a Garland...apesar dos navios "Argentina Star" e "Uruguay Star" serem navios mistos (passageiros/carga)



Sim, claro, falhou-me a Garland, que além dos navios da Blue Star Line agenciava a Cunard, cujo CARMANIA passou em Lisboa há 40 anos.


Esta lista de paquetes oferece-me gratas recordações. Era na altura um miudo, e no final de cada mês andava "em pulgas" para arranjar a lista de paquetes nova.
Um exemplar desta lista era afixado na porta de cada uma das estações marítimas e depois eram acrescentados diariamente boletins com o movimento diário.
Este sistema funcionou até à década de 1990 e foi pena a APL ter deixado de afixar o movimento de navios nas gares. Claro que hoje com a internet é mais fácil obter estas informações.
Em 1969 tinha que se ir ao serviço de coordenação, no edifício da Rocha e pedir uma lista...
Cada vez que me deleito a ler estas folhas marítimas revejo muitos dos navios. E tenho passado a vida a ver navios com um prazer enorme...

Anonymous said...

Hello Luis,

Thank you for that long list of very interesting ships ranging from the
magnificent Leonardo da Vinci to Epirotiki's tiny Argonaut with a whole lot of
worthy ships in between. What a pity we'll never see the likes of that again.

Nowaday, thanks to Mr Arison & friends standardization of designs ship spotting
is about as interesting as plane spotting - "ooh, there comes a Fincantieri
Vista series in HAL colours - good, I need a photo of one of those for the
collection - I only have Vista's in Cunard and Costa colours - none in HAL yet.
Damn. And isn't that a MASA Fantasy series over there? No, wait, its smaller. It
must be a Kockums Holiday series. It is the predecessor design to the Fantasy
series. They only built three of those, you know."

Somebody take me back 40 years please.


Anonymous said...

I agree entirely. If time travel does become a reality, Lisbon 1969 would be the
ideal destination. It is a long time since anything made me feel quite so
nostalgic as that shipping list from Lisbon. Even the type face is from another
era. There are ships on the list which are like old friends as we saw them
frequently downunder - Orcades, Oriana, Fairsky, Northern Star. I remember
writing for and receiving postcards of quite a few of the others such as the
Timor, Principe Perfeito, Federico C. What a line-up. It also reminds me that I
was lucky enough to fulfil a dream and sail on Funchal in 2006.

Thankyou Luis for a delightful posting.

BTW thankyou Jonathan for the roll call of current Hong Kong and Singapore
ships. I am trying to mount an expedition to Singapore before this lot disappear
to the breakers.

James Heslop

Anonymous said...

I was there! On the SS UGANDA - the major ship there was the oil tanker ESSO
NORTHUMBRIA laid up in the Tagus over disputes with her builders. I saw the
CANBERRA arrive and one of Michelangelo or Raffaelo was there too - don't
remember which, but do remember the lattice funnels. I am sure there were
others - but those are the only ones I recall. And the bridge over the Tagus was
the 'Ponte Salazar'.....which has been re-named....

Peter, Guernsey



You must have been in Lisbon aboard the UGANDA in May 1970. She arrived Lisbon on 10 May and berthed at Alcântara Passenger Terminal. The MICHELANGELO was berthed on the other terminal, Rocha, with 1100 passenger and sailed that day for New York. On 10th May 1970 there were in Lisbon six Portuguese passenger ships: INFANTE DOM HENRIQUE, IMPÉRIO, both belonging to Cia Colonial, FUNCHAL and CEDROS, both owned by Empresa Insulana, AMÉLIA DE MELLO ex-ZION and ANA MAFALDA, two of the 5 Sociedade Geral passenger ships.
In the morning of 11 May the CANBERRA arrived on a liner voyage from Australia and the ANNA NERY also arrived, both docking at Rocha Terminal. AMÉLIA DE MELLO's sister ship, ANGRA DO HEROÍSMO also arrived in the morning of 11 May from Azores and Madeira, while FUNCHAL departed at 11.00 AM 11 May to Madeira and the Canary Isles.
Do you remember some of those ships?

Best wishes from Lisbon

Luís Miguel Correia