Friday, October 09, 2009


Yesterday morning there was not a single berth available in the port of Lisbon due to the increasing number of passenger ships calling in the Tagus. 
The «Angra do Heroísmo», arrived early in the morning from the Azores and had to wait at anchor until 2 PM when a «ferry-boat» arrived to take the passengers ashore.
In the meantime the following ships used all berths: At the Alcantara Passenger Ship Terminal there were two, the British «Nevasa», on a cruise from Liverpool with 1188 tourists; while the Italian «Caribia» arrived from Central America and departed at 2.30 PM for Vigo. At the Rocha do Conde de Obidos terminal all berths were used by the British «Avalon», with 302 cruise passengers; the American «Brasil», with 360 passengers, which left at 6PM for Vigo; and returning from Africa, the «Infante Dom Henrique», with 1068 passengers. Last but not the least, the British liner «Chusan», with 1000 passengers, also called and sailed in the afternoon. There was cargo and luggage pieces everywhere in the terminals… 
Piece of news published by the Lisbon Jornal do Comércio on 5 October 1966. Company post card of the CARIBIA.

Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia

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