The British passenger liner RMS QUEEN MARY 2 made her seventh call in Lisbon last Sunday 25th June, after the previous scheduled call of 7th May was cancelled due to drydocking in Hamburg.

The QM2 was piloted off Algés at about 06h00 and docked alongside the Alcântara Passenger Ship Terminal one hour later. Departure took place at 15h00.

The QUEEN MARY 2 will be in Lisbon again this year on 9th August and 22nd September (arriving at 06h00 with departure at 15h00). In 2007 theQM2 will be visited Lisbon twice while cruising from Southampton.
Since her introduction in January 2004, the QM2 has attracted a great deal of interest everywhere she goes as one of the most famous passenger ships ever built.

Photographs: the QM2 docking at the Alcântara passenger terminal early in the morning of 25th June, and - lower photos - sailing out of Lisbon later the same day
Text and photos by Luís Miguel Correia - 2006