Tuesday, April 17, 2007

AIDAdiva delivered in Germany

On 16 April 2007 Meyer Werft delivered the 69,200-gt cruise ship “AIDAdiva” to the Owner AIDA Cruises in the German port of Emden.
The AIDAdiva is the first ship out of a series of four the Papenburg shipyard is building for AIDA Cruises. On this ship specialized designs for German passengers, comfortable interiors are combined with state-of-the-art technical outfitting.
Along with its new design, the luxury liner offers the passengers numerous specialities and a great deal of convenience: Some 65 per cent of the cabins are outside cabins, most of them having their own balconies.
Both safety and entertainment meet the latest technical standards ensured by the diesel-electric propulsion system, interactive communication systems and sophisticated stage technology.
Upon delivery to the Owner, the “AIDAdiva” will leave the port of Emden for Hamburg, where she will be named on 20 April 2007 by Maria Galleski who won a special casting that was held in Hamburg. The naming ceremony will be the highlight of an impressive light show in the port of Hamburg.
AIDAdiva’s first cruise will be to Palma de Mallorca, starting from Hamburg on 30 April 2007. The first Portuguese port visited will be Lisbon where she is due on her inaugural cruise arriving at 16h00 on 5 May and staying overnight to sail for Cadiz on 6 May at 14h00.
Text and images courtesy of Meyer Werft, Papenburg
Text and images copyright L.M.Correia, unless otherwise stated. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Thanks for your visit and comments. You are most welcome at any time - Luís Miguel Correia


Isa said...

Como vivo numa Ilha, o mar é a minha referência maior e adoro tudo o que lhe diz respeito. Um amigo meu que era marinheiro dizia-me: "Há três espécies de homens: os mortos, os vivos e os marinheiros". Nunca mais esqueci. Parabéns pelo blogue. Tá mto. bom!


Bem vinda ao Blogue dos Navios e do Mar e apareça sempre...

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

Muito obrigada, L M Correia, por me permitir agora navegar livremente pelas paredes do meu Gabinete, a bordo do nosso querido CREOULA, onde poderei assim embarcar sempre que quiser e sempre que sentir uma necessidade súbita de caçar o pano do alto da casota do Grande!...

Many thanks, L M Correia, for making it possible now for me to sail in freedom throughout the walls of my working place, aboard our dearest CREOULA, where I can now come aboard whenever I feel to or whenever I'm stroken with the sudden need to set sail!...

With LOVE from Atlantico Azul!...

Associação de Alunos da E.N.I.D.H. said...

Venho agradecer as fotos que gentilmente nos cedeu por ocasião da Festa Náutica e deixar-lhe o link do Blog da Associação de Alunos da ENIDH


João Morais