Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Another great photograph received from Brazil and sent by my dear friend Laire Giraud. It was taken in January 2007 and depicts both Iberoject cruise ships departing Santos for a cruise, the GRAND VOYAGER and the GRAND MISTRAL. Photo taken by Mr. Smera.
For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Thanks for your visit and comments. You are most welcome at any time - Luís Miguel Correia


Jose Angelo Gomes said...

É a Fairway; Dali já se traçam rumos....

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

Boy!... The tug looks really small!!!...

Luis Daniel Vale said...

Hi Sailor Girl,

It's the pilot boat. You can see the door opening and the pilot ladder rigged on the starboard side...
Anyway, even a tugboat would look small...

Jose Angelo Gomes said...

Hi you 2,
é o de BB, Mv, BB e é piqueno....
nem tudo é pilotagem nesta vida....

Luis Daniel Vale said...


A BB: bóia, lancha recreio e caiaque...

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

Desculpem, mas parecia um tug a EB.
Anyway, the little thing on the right looks just a really small thing!!!