Wednesday, August 08, 2007


In 1965 the Italian Line introduced their final transatlantic superliners, the sisters MICHELANGELO (45.911 GRT / built 1965) and RAFFAELLO (45.933 GRT / built 1965) on the Genoa - New York express service.

Two handsome futuristic liners financed by the Italian taxpayers, built too late to be successful in the dwindling liner trades and too expensive to run on cruises, so their spectacular careers were short. By 1975 both sisters were laid up at La Spezia and nobody seemed to be interested in the twin flagships.
In the end both were sold in 1977 to the Iranian Navy and used as accommodation ships in the Persian Gulf... Later the MICHELANGELO was scrapped while the RAFFAELLO was sunk during the Iraq - Iran war.
Despite those sad events, the MICHELANGELO and RAFFAELLO were two of the greatest post-war passenger liners, with their unique modern latice funnels...
Text and images copyright L.M.Correia collection. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia

1 comment:

Neil King said...

Hi Luis Miguel - I remember the Italian twins well when they used to anchor off Cannes where we went on holiday late 60's/early 70's when I was just a little kid.

Amazing they didn't see the writing on the wall when these ships were ordered - the words written on the wall were "Boeing 707".

Best regards,

Neil (Flores, Acores)