Foto de Luís Malheiro do Vale do blog PILOT BOAT onde podem ser vistas outras excelentes imagens do novo paquete português...
The new Portuguese cruise ferry being built at Viana do Castelo to the order of ATLÂNTICA LINE was launched on 6th March 2008. Photo by Malheiro do Vale. More photos and information in his excellent shipping blog PILOT BOAT...
Texto copyright L.M.Correia.Photo copyright Luís Malheiro do Vale. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia
1 comment:
Estah a ficar lindo o novo paquete Portugues e made in Portugal.Espero dar uma volta nele quando for a minha terra S.Miguel
Um abraco do Canada
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