Friday, January 11, 2008


The cruise ship OCEAN BREEZE photographed leaving New York in the summer of 1997. The SONG of AMERICA can be seen in the background.
Built in 1955 for the round the world service of Shaw Savill Line by Harland & Wolff as the revolutionary SOUTHERN CROSS, and sold in 1973 to the Greek Vlassopulos Group, who rebuilt her for cruising as the CALYPSO, she later became AZURE SEAS and OCEAN BREEZE, outliving her newer running mate NORTHERN STAR of 1962 by many decades. She was a really distinctive turbine steamer...
Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia


Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

You have been tagged!! Visit my website Atlântico Azul to check out the details!...

O´Fartura said...

Os boletos agraciados no Sorteo CM da Amizade Galego-Portuguesa celebrado hoxe sábado 12 de Xaneiro de 2008 na Libraría Sisargas exercendo de man inocente o noso libreiro Roberto Castro, son os seguintes:
1- Joao Quaresma- Lanchas e dornas
2- mch- O Patrimonio Marítimo de Galicia
3- Julio Quirino- O Bote Polbeiro de Bueu
4-Rute&Joao- A Odisea

Os amigos e amigas que participando nos blogues promotores de Portugal tivéchedes a sorte do voso lado, tendes que porvos en contacto cos promotores do sorteo a través de calquera dos nosos blogues, para proporcionarnos os vosos enderezos postais e procedermos ao envío por correo do libro que vos corresponde.