Monday, February 18, 2008

MICHAEL SUTCLIFFE ships and pictures

There are three really nice things associated to this blog: ships, the sea and the people.
And thanks to the blog I have been able to meet and exchange words, informations and images with fantastic people from all over the world. Recently I was lucky to have contact with a former ORIENT LINE and P&O Purser who also sailed on the brand new cruise ferry EAGLE at a time I was already watching ships in Lisbon. And it happens he lives only about 50 miles from myself, in the countryside north of Lisbon. His name is MICHAEL SUTCLIFFE and he did wonderfull photographs of ships over the years he sailed the blue waters around the world. MICHAEL allowed me to post some of his photographs, and I am very happy to do it as they are great shots and deserve to be better know for the pleasure and enjoyment of those who really love beautiful ships past and present...
Michael sent an introduction: "I joined the Orient Steam Navigation Co./Orient Line in March 1957 as a cadet purser, and worked at the London (City) office in various departments for a year before being posted to ORSOVA. After three voyages on the newest ship I then did three voyages on the oldest, ORONTES (built 1929) as an assistant purser. Then followed two voyages on ORION and, at the end of 1960, and 1961, the first four voyages of ORIANA. In 1962 I went back to ORION for another three voyages, and with integration with P & O, I went to STRATHEDEN in 1963 for three voyages - the third of which was her last with P & O. However, STRATHEDEN was chartered by Travel Savings Association and we did a series of cruises from UK to the Caribbean. On one of these cruises we stood by the Greek Line's LAKONIA which was on fire, but our 'services' were not required and we continued on to Funchal. After STRATHEDEN came six voyages on ORCADES, then two years on CANBERRA as senior assistant purser - the longest period of time that I spent on any one ship. I left CANBERRA in January 1968 then went to IBERIA for three voyages until May 1969. I did a 'stand-by' on ORONSAY at Tilbury Dock and on CATHAY at King George V Dock, London, but did not actually go to sea on these two ships. Now I think of it, I went from London to Southampton on CATHAY. In March 1971 I joined Southern Ferries, first on DRAGON, on the Southampton/Lisboa run and then Southampton/Le Havre. I then went to the EAGLE at St. Nazaire where she was fitting out at Dubigeon Normandie SA. I was there for six weeks before EAGLE did her sea trials and was handed over to Southern Ferries. I met my future wife on EAGLE and left Southern Ferries in September 1971. We were married on 1st January 1972, travelled on EAGLE to Lisboa, and left Lisboa on 15th January on PÁTRIA (Vg 133) for Beira and what was then Rhodesia."
Photos: Orient Line beauties - the ORSOVA crossing the Red Sea; the ORONTES twin funnels

Michael Sutcliffe text edited by L.M.Correia. Photographs copyright by Michael Sutcliffe. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia

1 comment:

William Duncan said...

Hi Michael,just a quick note to say that I really enjoyed looking at your photographs.we travelled on the Orion in 1961 when we emigrated to Australia.I still have some mementoes of the voyage,menus and a cup which my dad won on a game of quoits!Great ship!