Ship adrift Fairplay, January 26, 2009
Strong winds and 6m waves are today preventing tugs from securing the general cargo ship Braga, which
weathered a severe storm off Spain that led to its captain’s death. The Salvamento Maritimo safety agency
confirmed that the 2,590dwt Braga is listing at 45 degrees in winds exceeding 150kph (up to Force 7)
about 40 n-miles off La Coruña, northwestern Spain. The captain of the Portuguese-flagged ship died of a heart attack after he and a five crew members were rescued from the ship on Saturday morning. The Naveiro-operated vessel was transporting grain between Portugal and France. “Safety officials are assessing the emergency situation with a view to tow the ship into port, but the weather has so far prevented tugs from reaching the ship,” a Salvamento Maritimo spokesman said.
Braga (Madeira) Lloyds List, Jan 27, 2009
Portsmouth, UK, Jan 24 -- Spanish media outlets report that general cargo Braga (1921 gt, built 2003),
cargo of grain, is listing heavily 77 nautical miles north-west of La Coruna in the Bay of Biscay and is in a
critical state. The crew of six has been taken by helicopter to La Coruna, one has died. -- Correspondent.
London, Jan 24 -- Following received from Madrid MRCC, timed 1730, UTC: General cargo Braga was
drifting in lat 44 33.7N, long 09 09.9W, this morning. Crew were evacuated. Vessel is now under tow to
La Coruna.
Braga (Madeira), Lloyds List, Jan 29, 2009
London, Jan 27 -- Following received from Madrid MRCC, timed 1325, UTC: General cargo Braga,
cargo wheat, sank in lat 44 13.2N, long 07 23.3W at 0200, UTC, today. No pollution.
Salvamento Maritimo http://www.salvamentomaritimo.es/
Helimer - Helicópteros de Salvamento Marítimo - http://www.helimer.110mb.com/
One scene: fast rescue boat - Salvamar Alioth - http://www.2182.es/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=1236
Rescue tug - Alonso de Chaves - http://www.navymar.com/AlonsodeChavesSantander.htm
Rescue tug - Ibaizabal Uno - http://www.navymar.com/IbaizabalUno.htm
Braga (2002) - ship particulars - http://www.naveiro.com/braga.htm
File photo http://www.shipspotting.com/modules/myalbum/photo.php?lid=677985
Naveiro Transportes Maritimos (Portugal) http://www.naveiro.com/
For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia
Não tenho visto televisão, mas não deu nada sobre isto, pois não?
Lamento a morte do Comandante.
Efectivamente é este o lado mais trágico deste acidente... Não há solução para a vida perdida em circunstâncias dramáticas.
Conhecia bastante bem. Era 1 Piloto quando eu era praticante, e depois 3 Piloto na SOPONATA! La se foi!
Não vi ainda em lado nenhum o nome do falecido Comandante do BRAGA. Queres fazer aqui alguma referência?
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