Eis a notícia sobre o nosso PRAIA vermelho:
"Portuguese trawler “Praia De Santa Cruz” again seized by the Norwegian Coast Guard suspected of under-reporting catch in the waters east of Svalbard. Is the trawler's intention to challenge Norway’s jurisdiction in the fishery protection zone around Svalbard?
The Coast Guard vessel “KV Sortland” seizure of the trawler last Saturday took place after inspectors
suspect under-reporting of more than 50.000 kilos of fish, mainly cod, but also haddock and catfish.
“Praia De Santa Cruz” was brought in to port in Tromsø where the police started its investigation
Tuesday morning. The Coast Guard patrolling the area east of Norway’s fishery protection zone around Svalbard had good reasons to suspicious when they boarded the Portuguese trawler in a regular inspection. “Praia De Santa Cruz” has two times earlier been arrested for underreporting fish catch in Arctic waters.
Last time was in 2010, also then for under-reporting of catch. A year before, in August 2009 the Coast Guard’s seizure of the trawler caused diplomatic meetings between Norwegian and Portuguese authorities. The trawler’s owners then got a fine of NOK 500.000 (€66.550) and the captain got a fine of NOK 100.000 (€13.310). Lisbon disputed Norway’s right to seizure “Praia De Santa Cruz” and in particular Norway’s jurisdiction in the fishery protection zone around Svalbard. When “Praia De Santa Cruz” now for the third time is brought in to port in Tromsø under suspicion of under-reporting catch from the waters around Svalbard, it could easily cause more diplomatic challenges between Oslo and Lisbon. Source : BarentsObserver"
"Portuguese trawler “Praia De Santa Cruz” again seized by the Norwegian Coast Guard suspected of under-reporting catch in the waters east of Svalbard. Is the trawler's intention to challenge Norway’s jurisdiction in the fishery protection zone around Svalbard?
The Coast Guard vessel “KV Sortland” seizure of the trawler last Saturday took place after inspectors
suspect under-reporting of more than 50.000 kilos of fish, mainly cod, but also haddock and catfish.
“Praia De Santa Cruz” was brought in to port in Tromsø where the police started its investigation
Tuesday morning. The Coast Guard patrolling the area east of Norway’s fishery protection zone around Svalbard had good reasons to suspicious when they boarded the Portuguese trawler in a regular inspection. “Praia De Santa Cruz” has two times earlier been arrested for underreporting fish catch in Arctic waters.
Last time was in 2010, also then for under-reporting of catch. A year before, in August 2009 the Coast Guard’s seizure of the trawler caused diplomatic meetings between Norwegian and Portuguese authorities. The trawler’s owners then got a fine of NOK 500.000 (€66.550) and the captain got a fine of NOK 100.000 (€13.310). Lisbon disputed Norway’s right to seizure “Praia De Santa Cruz” and in particular Norway’s jurisdiction in the fishery protection zone around Svalbard. When “Praia De Santa Cruz” now for the third time is brought in to port in Tromsø under suspicion of under-reporting catch from the waters around Svalbard, it could easily cause more diplomatic challenges between Oslo and Lisbon. Source : BarentsObserver"
Ver aqui uma bela reportagem do blogue RODA DO LEME sobre a saída do cais dos bacalhoeiros (Gafanha da Nazaré -Aveiro) do PRAIA DE SANTA CRUZ a 23 de Maio último, para a actual viagem.
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. Favor não piratear. Respeite o meu trabalho / No piracy, please. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia
Tal e qual como o Luís diz, aplicam os meios à força. Tolerância zero.
O cuidado é tanto, que na segunda vez não se detectou irregularidade nenhuma, e o navio regressou com tempo perdido, e certamente algum prejuízo, é que navio em terra não pesca. Curioso, também, é notar que isso nessa notícia não foi referido, só interessa salientar - preso e terceira vez.
É de todo o interesse da parte dos noruegueses, e das suas rigorosas autoridades, retirar-nos as licenças para lá pescarmos, pois quanto menos nós pescarmos, mais eles vendem, não fossemos nós um dos maiores consumidores mundiais de bacalhau. É tudo uma questão de interesses.
Em relação a este caso particular, o armador já está a tratar de resolver o caso, sendo que o navio já se encontra a navegar/pescar, com muita pena das autoridades. Não acredito, de forma alguma, que dadas as circunstâncias passadas, um armador se arrisque a perder a sua "galinha dos ovos de ouro", ainda para mais com algum do historial que já possui.
Espero não me ter alongado.
Forte Abraço,
Tiago Neves.
Concordo com as tuas palavras, Tiago, isto é tudo uma questão de interesses...
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